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Social Studies (Grade 3 - Grade 5 )

Our 3rd (Third) to 5th (Fifth) grade social studies collection covers topics including the characteristics, culture and influences of civilizations from ancient to modern history. Curriculum focused books examine the societies of the Vikings, Alaskan Inuits, Aztecs, Incas and Mayas and others.

Curriculum topics include:


    Vikings : Covers the culture, society and influences of the Viking civilization.
    Alaskan Inuits : focuses on the Alaskan Inuit society, climates surrounding their environment along with with customs, religious beliefs and traditions.
    World in Spatial Terms : an overview of geographical patterns, location (including latitude and longitude), and global continents.
    Exploration of the Americas : covers the history of the US during the early years of exploration, discovery as well as colonization.
    North American Colonization : examines the history of the United States focusing on colonial periods.
    Urban, Suburban and Rural Regions : Students will learn about the characteristics, people and societies of urban, suburban and rural regions in the United States of America.
    Economics : covering basic concepts of economics, including money, organizational behavior, banks, natural resources, imports, exports and the production of goods and services.
    Citizenship & Government : readers will learn the importance of US citizenship and the role that the federal and local government plays in this process.
    Importance of Chronology : Students will cover the concept of time and how fundamental chronology is in constructing timelines.
    Timelines : The learner will understand the concept of time and chronology by reading and constructing timelines.


    Ancient Civilization : covers the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Aztecs, Incas & Mayas.
    United States Revolutionary Period : covers the history of the U.S.A during the Revolutionary period.
    Geography Re-examined : investigating the world in spatial terms focusing on the interaction of peoples of the world in their physical environment.
    United States History of Civics : Readers will cover the US political system within a historical context and importance of present-day political practice. Including the Articles of Confederation, the Constitutional Convention, the Issue of Slavery, the American Constitution,the Bill of Rights, the Three Branches of Government and the Rule of Law.
    Prehistoric Art : Students learn about the basic styles of art ranging from prehistoric cave to present day art.


    Ancient Civilizations : including the Olmec, Phoenicians, Shang/Zhou Dynasty, Nubian Kingdom, Ancient Greece and Ancient Greece: Students will learn about the major characteristics and contributions of these civilizations ranging from 1200 BC to present day.
    U. S. Politics, History & Economics 1801-1850 : Readers will cover early presidents, their policies and well as the history of the USA during the intriguing period of Westward Expansion period. Students will discover the fundamental; difference between the economies of the North and Southern states in the US during the 1800's.
    American Civil War : Students will cover the events that started the American Civil War, important battles, the role of African Americans and Women during the Civil War, the Reconstruction period of 1865 - 1877, the death of President Lincoln and periods of racism.
    Examining the Continental Divide : Students will learn to identify the Continental Divide, from the east to west of the Rockies, the Arctic or Atlantic Oceans and west of the Rockies, to the beaches of the Pacific Ocean.
    World Geography : Students will learn more about world geography, covering, different time zones,tropics of Cancer & Capricorn, global climate zones, different habitats, such as forests, deserts, grasslands. Archaeology, artifacts & ruins along with the discoveries and how they are used to draw conclusions about ancient civilizations and cultures.
    Political Science and Economic Systems : Students will discover the importance of political science, the role it places in society with respect to power, governance, authority along with civic responsibility. Understanding economic systems helps readers comprehend concepts that drive theories of supply & demand, production & distribution, , consumerism and the economic role of government.
    19th Century Individuals Biographies : covers the accomplishments of notable individuals and inventors during the late 19th century and how these tie-in to historical events.'s invention of the telephone.

Who Were the Zuni People? - Native American Tribes Books Grade 3...


Who Were the Hopi People? - Native American Tribes Grade 3 -...


Wilderness Warrior: Life and Works of John Muir Historical Books on Nature...


Harriet Tubman - All Aboard the Underground Railroad - U.S. Economy in...


General William Sherman's Great March to the Sea - American Civil War...


Samuel de Champlain - Father of the New France - Exploration of...


In Honor of the Gods: Ancient Greek Mythology - Ancient Greece -...


Wonders and Mysteries of Ancient Egypt Ancient Civilization Egypt for Kids Fourth...


Traditional vs. Modern - Changes in the Inuit Way of Life -...


Climate and Weather: What's the Difference? - Instruments and Forecasts - Children's...


Who Was Benjamin Franklin? US History and Government | Children's American History


Art, Religion and Life in Mesopotamia - Ancient History Illustrated | Children's...


Who Built the First Human Civilization? Ancient Mesopotamia - History Books for...


What Does the US President Do? Government Lessons for Kids | Children's...


The Most Famous Entrepreneurs of All Time - Biography Book 3rd Grade...


The Lives of the Super Rich: Biography of The Richest Men and...


My Dad Survived 9/11! - US History for Kids Grade 5 |...


Native American Art - Art History Books for Kids | Children's Art...


Who Was Henry Ford? - Biography Books for Kids 9-12 | Children's...


Writing Hieroglyphics (with Actual Examples!) : History Kids Books | Children's Ancient...


Ancient Greece and The Olympics | Children's Ancient History


Peeling The Earth Like An Onion : Earth Composition - Geology Books...


How Did Women and Children Live during the Civil War? US History...


Who Was Michael Faraday? Biography Books Best Sellers | Children's Biography Books


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